Call 1-800-832-0290 for an appointment or to obtain a schedule of our Walk-in hours.
Locations: Berne, Huntington, Kendallville, Wabash, Warren, and of course in Fort Wayne (main office downtown plus 2 service center sites in northern & southern Ft Wayne).
Saturday hours are available but by appointment only (telephone 426 3409) at our Main Office in downtown Fort Wayne or call 1 800 832 0290).
Emergency? Call 260 433 9111 and leave a message. Please include a call back number, name and time.
Next Walk-in clinics (no appointment necessary from 2 to 4 unless otherwise posted) Appointments available – call 800 832 0290
Angola: Suspended due to COVID restrictions Note: following the service center, we also visit neighboring nursing homes and senior residents. Please call for details.
Auburn: Suspended due to COVID restrictions
Berne: Call for appointment time Telephone 250 426 3409
Huntington: Call for appointment time Telephone 250 426 3409
Kendallville: Call for appointment time Telephone 250 426 3409
North Manchester: See Wabash below.
Wabash: Walk In clinic 2nd (second) Thursday / every other month starting in February, April, June, August, October and December. Service center is now at the Parkview Health offices, 1655 Cass Street adjacent to Indiana BMV Bureau of Motor Vehicles, off Routes 24 and 27, by Walmart. Alternate Thursday afternoons office hours by appointment only, in addition to the regularly scheduled service center.
Warren: Call for appointment time Telephone 250 426 3409
Warsaw – regretfully, we have discontinued our service center in Warsaw due to staffing and overall time constraints. But, not before we consulted with Dr. Engelberth at 1610 east Center Street who was willing to provide support services to our clients. I have known Dr. Engelberth and Dr. Weaver for years, and as a caring professional, you will receive the same quality service.
Fort Wayne Central (Downtown – Main office) Monday > Friday, 10 > 12 & 2>4. Office open 9 to 5.
Fort Wayne South by appointment only at Lutheran Life Villages,
For Appointments or free hearing screening call 1-800 832 0290. (note: if you need an appointment for a different date or time then that noted above, please call the main office at 1-800 832 0290)
Hearing aid cleaning and check available. Fresh hearing aid Batteries available – discount price.
We accept referrals from family physicians, and from associates at HearCare, Summit Hearing Solutions, HearCare Connection, Carter Hearing Centers, ENT Physicians services, or former clients of retail offices (Beltone, Miracle Ear, CostCo, Sam’s Club). New to the N.E. Indiana area? We will service most manufacturer’s hearing aids, honoring existing original manufacturer’s warranty (in writing).
Where is your office located in Angola? What are the hours and do you need to schedule an appointment? Do you accept insurance … Parkview Health Signature Care?
Thank you.
I am so sorry to have missed your note. Our next time in Angola will be this Thursday. Appointments are appreciated if you would like a hearing test, consultation or hearing aid adjustment. We offer a free walk in clinic from 1:30 to 3:30 in the Steuben Co. Community Center, 317 South Wayne Street, lower level across from the Council on Aging’s office. To schedule an appointment, please call 1 800 832 0290. And yes, we accept insurance, including Signature Care’s.